
Independent Authority on Merchant Services

Who We Evaluate

We identify and rank the Best in Merchant Services. was launched in 2009 to help merchants find reputable payment processors and other merchant services.

Our rankings highlight the leading and top contending merchant services across over 30 specializations and in over 10 countries around the world.

Each of the companies that we evaluate provide merchants with a service that allows them to accept payments, finance their business, or protect their business from fraudulent transactions. Since these are a core aspect of nearly any business we strive to conduct an in-depth analysis of each of the merchant services that are considered for our rankings.

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10 Years of Research

10 Years of Research

Over the past ten years our research team has worked to refine the evaluation process.

Each of our rankings has its own evaluation criteria based on ongoing research into how payment processors help businesses and how differences in that approach can affect a merchant's bottom line.

Monthly Updates

Since the payment processing industry is constantly changing, we are always refining both our evaluation process and our rankings.

The rankings you see are the result of our most recent research and analysis.

Worldwide Presence

Our rankings serve over ten countries and is still in the process of expanding.

We aim to enable merchants all over the globe to find exceptional payment processors and merchant services to ensure their financial success.

Independent Research

Our research team is independent of the companies that are evaluated and ranked.

We strive to connect merchants with the absolute best merchant services based on their ability to innovate and offer exceptional value.

Niche Research

Not all businesses are the same.

We offer niche-focused rankings to help businesses in high risk or specialty situations find payment processors and other merchant services that have adjusted their model to work for them.

Buyer Feedback

Merchants are always welcome to offer their feedback on the merchant services they have used.

Reviews and testimonials are used during the research process as an additional way to uncover exceptional payment processors.

Future Developments

We aim to remain ahead of the curve.

Our research team is constantly looking for new areas to expand. As new payment methods and technologies are brought to market our research team will include them in their evaluations.

Brand Assets

Download a scalable EPS logo for print, or use our optimized PNG images to add an topcreditcardprocessors badge to your site.

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